Discover the social and economic benefits of transit.


In U.S. Metropolitan Regions with Population 100,000 or Greater

In U.S. cities there are located within a ½ mile of transit.

AllTransitTM Performance Score

Overall transit score that looks at connectivity, access to jobs, and frequency of service.

When households of all incomes can live in neighborhoods with access to transit and jobs, they have greater choices between housing units, employment opportunities, and multiple transportation options connecting the two. With that expanded choice comes a lower reliance on automobiles. As households drive less, they spend less on transportation, freeing up money for things like childcare, education, health care, conventional down payments, and savings. Through this connection to job opportunities via transit, economic mobility increases. Greenhouse gases go down. Neighborhoods become more economically and environmentally resilient.

View AllTransitTM Rankings

AllTransitTM is a combination of publicly available GTFS data and new data created by CNT for more than 300 regions where it did not previously exist. AllTransit increases our understanding of the value of transit by going beyond simple measures of "where transit exists" to nuanced interpretations of transit quality. AllTransit analyzes the social benefits of good transit service through the lenses of health, equity, and economic development, and users can rely on this information to improve transit in their own cities.

AllTransit metrics are based on 2022 demographics and 2024 transit data


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