
AllTransitTM Data

AllTransitTM is a one-of-a kind robust transit dataset assembled for all transit stops, routes, and frequency in U.S. regions with over 100,000 people with scheduled bus, rail, or ferry service. CNT collected publicly available General Feed Specification (GTFS) data for most agencies, and compiled it for other agencies without GTFS from schedules and route maps.

AllTransitTM Performance Score

The AllTransitTM Performance Score measures more than just access to transit. It considers the performance of transit - connections to other routes, jobs accessible in a 30-minute transit ride, and the number of workers using transit to travel. All neighborhoods in cities with over 100,000 population are ranked and given a score from 1 to 10, and summed up for larger areas.

AllTransitTM Metrics

A set of metrics reporting the impact of transit are reported for neighborhoods, cities, regions, elective districts, and other areas. The comprehensive coverage of AllTransitTM provides a system-wide snapshot of the collective impact of large and small transit agencies on the topics of jobs, economy, transit quality, equity, and health.

Download AllTransitTM Methods PDF

AllTransit metrics are based on 2022 demographics and 2024 transit data


Stop Locations



