1. How do I look for data for my city?

In the white box located at the top of the home page that says "Enter a Location", enter the name of your city, metro area, zip code or address. Alternatively, enter your location on the Transit Metrics page, in the box to the right side.

2. What are the agencies included?

There are 902 agencies included in the AllTransit database. Click here for list of agencies.

3. What are the geographies included?

AllTransit caters to wide range of audiences and includes data at smaller geographies, namely Census block groups and tracts, in addition to municipality, county, metro regions, metropolitan planning organization boundaries, and local political boundaries.

4. What is a Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA)?

Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) as defined by the Office of Management and Budget "have at least one core (urbanized area or urban cluster) of at least 10,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured through commuting ties with the counties associated with the core".

All transit currently includes transit data for 362 regions with population over 100,000, based on 2010 population.

5. What is high frequency transit?

High frequency transit is bus, train or other forms of transit that have an average headway of 15 minutes or less in a 24 hour period. In other words, transit routes that serves a stop every 15 minutes or less, averaged across the day and evening, are high frequency routes.

6. What is the Transit Connectivity Index?

Measured at the Census block group, it is the sum of buses/trains per week scaled by overlap of 1/8 mile rings and weighted for each ring (6 for bus and rail, or ¾ mile) for every stop whose ring intersects the block group. The scaling was optimized by using regression to fit for percent of transit used for journey to work. The result is scaled from 0-100, with zero being no transit and 100 being the best block group in the county.

7. How is the AllTransit Performance Score different from other transit scores?

The AllTransit Performance Score is a comprehensive score that looks at connectivity, access to land area and jobs, frequency of service, and the percent of commuters who use transit to travel to work. While availability of service and frequency are important aspects of transit, the connection it provides to jobs and other destinations in the region is central in creating an effective transit system. The capability of the AllTransit Performance Score to answer “is transit available and how frequent is it, “how far and how many jobs can I get to?”, and “how many commuters are using it to get to work” is what sets this apart from other scores.

8. How is the Transit Access Shed calculated?

The Transit Access Shed is defined, for a given Census Block Group, as the land area accessible by the optimal public transportation trip taking 30 minutes. This trip starts at any transit stop inside, or within a ¼ mile of the Census Block Group and uses the best set of possible transit trips using at most one transfer.

9. How can I compare two different maps?

The “Compare Locations” button on the metrics page allows for a side-by-side comparison of two geographies.

10. Is the AllTransitTM data available for download?

Customs datasets are available for purchase for a reasonable cost. Please contact Paul Esling (pesling@cnt.org) for pricing information.

11. How do I cite all transit?

Center for Neighborhood Technology 2019, AllTransitTM, alltransit.cnt.org

We ask users follow the protocol below:
"User agrees to cite CNT as the source of information whenever Data is used in reports, papers, publications, maps and/or other products. Citations shall be directly on tables, charts, and maps using the Data and shall include an express reference to CNT and the complete title of the Data. In instances where User makes further calculations using Data, User shall also cite that further calculations were made using source data provided by CNT."

12. Why don’t I see my neighborhood Farmers' Market/Bikeshare location when I enter my address?

When an address is entered, data is reported for the Census block group containing that address, not the city. Viewers can double check the place for which the data is reported by looking at the pink box above the AllTransit Performance Score, below the metric title in the map, and under each heading in on the Metrics Page. To move from a Census block group to a city or other region, select the button "Switch to Another Metric".

If a Census block reports zero Farmers Market, Bikeshare, or other amenity, it does not mean there is zero access to these outside its boundaries.

The Census block group might not have any Farmers Markets/Bikeshare locations within it, but locations in its vicinity can be seen in the map view by turning on the Farmers Markets & Bikeshare layers. To look at the number of Farmers Markets accessible by the Census block group within a 30 minute transit commute, please switch to another metric and select the “Access to Farmers Markets”.

Transit measures consist of data from


Stop Locations



